Note: Links are underlined.
Alpha Area
• Count the number of square units in each letter of the alphabet
Alphabet geogrid
Alphabet Solution (pdf)
Fun with Area
• Use graph paper or print name grid
Area Geogrid
(Excel file)
• Shade letters of your first name and last initial
• Determine total area of letters
• View an example
Geogrid Example
Data Exploration
• Use results to complete one or more of the following activities:
Order total area from largest to smallest (Group)
Calculate class average (mean) for total area
Determine median and mode for total area
Count number of letters in your first name that have a line of symmetry (Individual)
Calculate class average for lines of symmetry
Count number of vowels or consonants in your first name (Individual)
Calculate class average number of vowels in first names
Calculate class average number of consonants in first names
Calculate percentage of vowels or consonants in your first and/or last name (Individual)